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Traverse City, Michigan Part Two

As my time here in Traverse City comes to a close (my next adventure starts in approximately 17 days, stay tuned), I wanted to share a few pictures from my favorite adventures of the summer. It is going to be hard to leave the untouched beauty and nature up here to move back to city life in Detroit. This summer was one for the books though and will go down as one that was full of adventures.

First up is Fishtown. Fishtown is located in Leland, Michigan which is a small town right on Lake Michigan. Many of the best places to visit in Northern Michigan stem from the road M-22 and this is no exception. Driving on M-22 should be considered a trip in itself as it is the most beautiful highway on the east coast. The fall color tour is insane. Anyways, Fishtown was built in the early 1800s as a port town for fishing. Many of the buildings that I saw were old shanties that had been converted to little gift shop.

My next place I am going to share with you is the local’s gem, Port Oneida. There are few signs, if any, helping you get there. This is also another stop off of M-22 (shocker!) that is in the Sleeping Bear Dunes region in northern Michigan. This area is absolutely breathtaking and is the perfect place to see a sunset or, if you’re lucky, the Northern Lights. Here are a few of the shots from this summer.

Last but not least, I spoke in my previous post about the secret beach we stumbled across. Well that secret beach is off of Old Indian Trail and can be reached after doing a short one mile hike through the woods. You then come out on the sand dunes which is another quarter mile or so to get to Lake Michigan. This place is just beautiful and there are so many rocks to hunt, especially Petoskey stones.

Hope this post tides you over til my next adventure! Happy travels everyone! xo