Tag Archives: tulum


Hi all! I have been slacking in updating this again but that is because I have been traveling so much this month. I decided that although these pictures aren’t of abandonment and decay like I usually share, they are beautiful in a different way. These are some of the many pictures I took while I was in Tulum, Quintana Roo Mexico. It was the most breathtaking place I have ever been and I recommend everyone thinking of going to Mexico go there. The whole area is run off of solar power and wind power. They rely off tanks of water. It is amazing. And I know that soon enough it is going to get ruined by technology and electricity. Anyways, here are some of the pictures I wanted to share. The stone pieces are Mayan ruins. The underwater pictures are from a cenote, which look it up if you don’t know what it is because they are amazing and super interesting. I’m off to go exploring right now but I was in the mood to share something with you all right now. Enjoy xox.