Tag Archives: packard

packard plant

wow so a couple things to first start off with. as you can tell I redid my page and I am very happy with how it turned out. number two, I just went back to my first couple posts and wow how much has changed. if you would have told me five months ago that I would be here now I wouldn’t have believed you. it is amazing to see the progress that I have made not only on an artistic level but in all aspects of my life. number three, my last post on Heidelberg Project got me thinking about other places that are extremely obvious that I haven’t shared with you. and the most obvious place ever popped into my head and that is the Packard Plant.

The Packard Plant was built in 1903 and was designed by the famed Detroit architect Albert Kahn. The 3,500,000 square foot plant was used by the Packard Automotive Company to design, manufacture, and distribute their cars. The Packard Automotive Company was a very high end car manufacturer. The factory part closed in 1958 although the building was occupied by other tenants until the last tenant moved out in 2010. Ever since it has been abandoned it has been home to much vandalism and scrapping. The entire thing is ruined and the only salvageable part is the brick structure itself. Many crazy things have happened her since its abandonment as well; look up some stories.

There is a somewhat happy ending to this story though because in the past two years it has gone up for auction and been bought three times. But third times the charm right? A Spanish investor named Fernando Palazuelo purchased the property at the end of 2013 for less than half a million dollars in an auction. He is planning on repurposing it and using it as an art space. He is planning on sinking $350 million dollars into the place over the next 10-15 years. So far I have not seen any construction take place other than the addition of new “No Trespassing” signs. Here is the site for the project as well as some more information about its history: http://packardplantproject.com/

hope you enjoyed xox