Tag Archives: abandoned church


Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well. I am currently hungover on my couch watching football and thought I would share something with you. This post is about one of the most pristine, and by pristine I mean relatively untouched, church that I was lucky enough to see only a few weeks before it was tragically burned in a fire on June 2, 2016. Everybody’s Universal Tabernacle Church of Holiness (say that three times fast) is a mystery to me because I cannot find out any history on the building or church. I need to take a trip around the corner to the library and see if I can dig anything up because all that I can find is this picture which says it is dated around the 1950s. I had no idea how beautiful it could have looked since when I saw it the outside looked nothing like this.


Here are some pictures of the fire crews battling the blazes, which took hours to put out. The story goes that firefighters were fighting a fire nearby and debris from that fire were carried by the wind onto the roof of the building. Such a sad thing to hear about. I hope you enjoy seeing the before and after. The organ was so beautiful.

Hoping to share more of all the pictures I have been stockpiling this week. I have been holding out on you all and it’s not fair to either one of us haha. Hope you all have a great week, until next time xo.